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Book a Free Consultation or Speak with a LINK HR Consultant - (416) 565 - 9876


An onsite or virtual training for groups.

With 45 minutes Virtual Meeting & add-on Emotional Intelligence Coaching  Packages.

A 12 week virtual program with add-on HR coaching with a Certificate Human Resources Leader.

Includes a comprehensive emotional intelligence assessment and report, with a virtual meeting for interpretation of results.

Includes a comprehensive emotional intelligence assessment and report, with a virtual meeting for interpretation of results.

Interpret individual results at the group level with confidentiality.

An onsite or virtual group training for leaders.

An onsite or virtual training for teams.

A 12-week virtual program for aspiring leaders and those new to a leadership role.

An onsite or virtual training for groups.

Invest in coaching sessions with a Certified Human Resources Leader.

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